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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Porch culture diffusion index

Worthwhile mag's Rebecca Ryan's latest "Cool Community" post posits sidewalk-facing porches as a community-enabling technology. Me too.

My neighborhood is not only rife with veranda-sized porches, it hosts a porch decorating contest as part of the annual block party. Does that make Springfield a cool community? Only if you live here. Northampton will tell you they have a lock on that designation in these parts (but we definitely have them out-porched).

So is this a bona fide trend? Debra Galant photo-blogged her porch. Technorati is showing 156 blogs with "front porch" posts in the last week. So far, Blogdex is mostly picking up on back porches (in a don't-go-there kind of way) except for porch bands and porch boots.

Posted by emfoley at May 11, 2004 6:37 AM


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