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Tuesday, September 7, 2004


Yesterday was my wedding anniversary. This is not a thing we celebrate - even my mother has mercifully stopped sending cards - but this one marks the year that I have been married more than half my life. I spent it reading Po Bronson's What Should I Do With My Life?

Bronson says people almost invariably fail to act, even in their own best interests, until some catastrophy forces them to. Maybe mine weren't cataclysmic enough. then again, very few of those people in the book had families to take care of. They mostly got all of this out of the way before getting old enough to have been married half their lives.

Tomorrow my older son starts high school. In seven weeks, I finish grad school, my bid to position myself for a job that will put two kids through college and pay the mortgage without driving me nuts or boring me into a depressive stupor. The clock is ticking.

In the mean time, I'm working on a second (third?) group blog through the fall election.

Posted by emfoley at September 7, 2004 12:22 PM


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