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Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Forest park near the lily ponds.

Only Suzanne could make a red lace peignoir work as outwear. I got to see her sing last weekend for the first time in so many years I can't say, and it makes me happy every time I think about it.

Our friends have had a band, actually a succession of bands, since just after college. Though it started off coed, Suzanne got mom-guilt when kids came along, the other Sue moved away, and the basement studio came to be known as the 'man cave.' The kids are older now.

The occasion was a friend's birthday party, held in a robber-baron mansion on Commonwealth Ave. across from the Boston Public Gardens, the kind of party where the vibe is casual but silent young men in bow ties refill your glass of French Bordeaux while you aren't looking. The band played in the ballroom under a skylight full of stars. It was heaven.

Posted by emfoley at April 19, 2005 12:10 PM


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