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August 8, 2007
6th-Grade Schedule
2 Day Program
(The day and time slots are interchangeable)
Day 1
Students will learn to keep warm in Winter by:
-- making group decisions.
-- building a one match fire using available materials found in the forest.
-- dressing appropriately
Lunch – outside if weather permits
Students will learn to:
-- build a shelter using available materials found in the forest. Branches from used Christmas trees and natual debris will be made available to students.
-- the knots necessary in building shelters.
Day 2
Students will spend the entire day in a designated survival area. They will work together cooperatively in small groups without teacher assistance but with teacher supervision. The survival experience will include:
-- choosing a site in the survival area.
-- building a shelter.
-- building a one match fire.
-- heating food over the fire.
-- the importance of leaving the area as clean as it was found – if not cleaner.
Posted by mpdoran at August 8, 2007 11:26 PM